Build with GenLayer
ADR Validator

ADRValidator Contract

The ADRValidator contract sets up a system for validating, categorizing, and ensuring consistency of Architectural Decision Records (ADRs) in a decentralized and automated manner. This contract demonstrates complex document validation, category management, and a reward system within a blockchain environment.

import json
import re
from backend.node.genvm.icontract import IContract
from backend.node.genvm.equivalence_principle import call_llm_with_principle
class ADRValidator(IContract):
    def __init__(self):
        self.owner = contract_runner.from_address
        self.arch_categories = {}
        self.balances = {}
        self.max_reward = 10
    def change_owner(self, new_owner: str):
        if contract_runner.from_address == self.owner:
            self.owner = new_owner
    def set_max_reward(self, new_max_reward: int):
        if contract_runner.from_address == self.owner:
            self.max_reward = new_max_reward
    def get_owner(self) -> str:
        return self.owner
    def get_categories(self) -> str:
        return {
            category: details["description"]
            for category, details in self.arch_categories.items()
    def get_adrs_of_a_category(self, category_name: str) -> dict:
        if category_name in self.arch_categories:
            return self.arch_categories[category_name]["ADRs"]
    def get_balances(self) -> dict[str, int]:
        return self.balances
    def get_balance_of(self, address: str) -> int:
        return self.balances.get(address, 0)
    def add_category(self, category_name: str, category_description: str):
        if (
            contract_runner.from_address == self.owner
            and category_name not in self.arch_categories
            self.arch_categories[f"{category_name}"] = {
                "description": category_description,
                "ADRs": [],
    async def validate_adr(self, adr: str, category_name: str) -> None:
        if not self._check_template(adr): return
        output = await self._evaluate_adr(adr, category_name)
        ## Improvement: would split checks more by concern
        if not output["accepted"]:
        if contract_runner.from_address not in self.balances:
            self.balances[contract_runner.from_address] = 0
        self.balances[contract_runner.from_address] += output["reward"]
    def _check_template(self, adr: str) -> bool:
        adr = adr.replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\r", "\n")
        pattern = r"^\# [^\n]+?\n+(- Status: (proposed|accepted|validated).+)\n+(- Deciders: [^\n]+)\n+(- Date: \d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)\n+(\#\# Context and Problem Statement)\n+(\#\#\#\# Problem\n+(.|\n)*)+(\#\#\#\# Context\n+(.|\n)*)+(\#\# Decision Drivers+(.|\n)*)+(\#\# Considered Options+(.|\n)*)+(\#\# Decision Outcome+(.|\n)*)+(\#\#\# Consequences+(.|\n)*)+(\#\# Pros and Cons of the Options+(.|\n)*)+(\#\#\#(.|\n)*)+(\#\#\#\# Pros+(.|\n)*)+(\#\#\#\# Cons+(.|\n)*)+(\#\#\#(.|\n)*)+(\#\#\#\# Pros+(.|\n)*)+(\#\#\#\# Cons+(.|\n)*)"
        compiled_pattern = re.compile(pattern, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
        result = bool(compiled_pattern.match(adr))
        print("Result of checking template structure: ", result)
        return result
    async def _evaluate_adr(self, adr: str, category: str) -> object:
        print("Evaluating ADR...")
        valid_decisions = False
        prompt = f"""
        Here are some architecture decisions made in the past, and a new decision candidate.
        You must check past decisions for contradiction with the new candidate that would block this candidate from being added to ADRs.
        - Past decisions:
        - New decision candidate:
        You must decide if the new decision can be accepted or if it should be rejected.
        In case of rejection:
        - You MUST provide a REASON for the rejection.
        In case of acceptance:
        - The REASON should be an EMPTY STRING.
        - You MUST decide of a REWARD (INTEGER) between 1 and {self.max_reward}. Evaluate the reward based on the potential impact, importance, and writing quality of the candidate.
        Respond ONLY with the following format:
        "accepted": bool,
        "reasoning": str,
        "reward": int,
        It is mandatory that you respond only using the JSON format above,
        nothing else. Don't include any other words or characters,
        your output must be only JSON without any formatting prefix or suffix.
        This result should be perfectly parseable by a JSON parser without errors.
        result = await call_llm_with_principle(
            eq_principle="The result['accepted'] has to be exactly the same",
        result_clean = result.replace("True", "true").replace("False", "false")
        output = json.loads(result_clean)
        return output

Code Explanation

  • Initialization: The ADRValidator class initializes with an owner, empty categories and balances, and a default max reward.

  • Key Methods:

    • validate_adr(): Validates an ADR's structure and content, and rewards the submitter if accepted.
    • _check_template(): Uses regex to ensure the ADR follows a specific structure.
    • _evaluate_adr(): Uses an LLM to check for contradictions with existing ADRs and determine acceptance and reward.
  • Management Methods: Methods for changing owner, setting max reward, and managing categories.

  • Read Methods: Various getter methods to retrieve contract state, categories, and balances.

Deploying the Contract

To deploy the ADRValidator contract:

  1. Deploy the Contract: No initial parameters are needed. The deployer becomes the initial owner.

Checking the Contract State

After deploying the contract, you can check its state in the Read Methods section:

  • Use get_owner() to see the current contract owner.
  • Use get_categories() to view defined architectural categories.
  • Use get_balances() to check reward balances of contributors.

Executing Transactions

To interact with the deployed contract, go to the Write Methods section. Here, you can:

  • Call add_category(name, description) to define new architectural categories (owner only).
  • Call validate_adr(adr, category_name) to submit an ADR for validation.
  • Call change_owner(new_owner) or set_max_reward(new_max_reward) for contract management (owner only).

Analyzing the Contract's Behavior

The contract's behavior involves several complex processes:

  1. Template Validation: Uses regex to ensure ADRs follow a specific structure.
  2. Consistency Checking: Employs an LLM to compare new ADRs against existing ones for contradictions.
  3. Automated Decision-Making: Determines acceptance and reward based on LLM evaluation.
  4. Reward System: Automatically credits submitters with tokens for accepted ADRs.

Handling Different Scenarios

As illustrated in the provided flowchart:

ADRValidator Flowchart
  • Invalid ADR Structure: The ADR is rejected without further evaluation.
  • Valid ADR, Contradictions Found: The ADR is rejected with reasoning provided.
  • Valid ADR, No Contradictions: The ADR is accepted, and the submitter is rewarded.

The outputs shows various scenarios:

ADRValidator Outputs

This diagram illustrates different outcomes based on the ADR's content and its relation to existing ADRs in the category.

Use Cases and Market Potential

The ADRValidator contract has broad applications:

  • Software Development Teams: For managing and validating architectural decisions.
  • Resource Allocation: In contexts where decisions about shared resources (e.g., budget, design principles) are critical.
  • Hackathons and Competitions: As a tool for evaluating and rewarding contributions.

Its automated, trustless nature makes it valuable for any organization seeking to streamline decision-making processes and ensure consistency in architectural choices.

Future Enhancements

Future developments may include:

  1. Spam Prevention: Implementing measures to prevent submission of fake or spammy ADRs.
  2. Platform Integration: Direct integration with platforms like GitHub for seamless ADR management.
  3. Global ADR Repository: Evolving into a comprehensive, accessible repository for ADRs worldwide.

This ADRValidator contract demonstrates an innovative use of GenLayer for document validation and decision-making in software architecture. It showcases how Intelligent Contracts can automate complex processes, ensure consistency, and provide incentives for quality contributions in a decentralized manner.