

Transactions are the fundamental operations that drive the GenLayer protocol. Whether it's deploying a new contract, sending value between accounts, or invoking a function within an existing contract, transactions are the means by which state changes occur on the network.

Here is the general structure of a transaction:

  "consensus_data": {
    "leader_receipt": {
      "args": [
      "class_name": "LlmErc20",
      "eq_outputs": {
        "leader": {
          "0": "{\"transaction_success\": true, \"transaction_error\": \"\", \"updated_balances\": {\"0xD271c74A78083F357a9f8d31d5adC59B395cf16b\": 98, \"0x793Ae2CfF17462cc9f9D68e194b7b949d2080Ea2\": 2}}"
      "error": null,
      "execution_result": "SUCCESS",
      "gas_used": 0,
      "method": "transfer",
      "mode": "leader",
      "node_config": {
        "address": "0x185D2108D9dE15ccf6beEb31774CA96a4f19E62B",
        "config": {},
        "model": "gpt-4o",
        "plugin": "openai",
        "plugin_config": {
          "api_key_env_var": "OPENAIKEY",
          "api_url": null
        "provider": "openai",
        "stake": 1
      "vote": "agree"
    "validators": [
        "args": [
        "class_name": "LlmErc20",
        "eq_outputs": {
          "leader": {
            "0": "{\"transaction_success\": true, \"transaction_error\": \"\", \"updated_balances\": {\"0xD271c74A78083F357a9f8d31d5adC59B395cf16b\": 98, \"0x793Ae2CfF17462cc9f9D68e194b7b949d2080Ea2\": 2}}"
        "error": null,
        "execution_result": "SUCCESS",
        "gas_used": 0,
        "method": "transfer",
        "mode": "validator",
        "node_config": {
          "address": "0x31bc9380eCbF487EF5919eBa7457F457B5196FCD",
          "config": {},
          "model": "gpt-4o",
          "plugin": "openai",
          "plugin_config": {
            "api_key_env_var": "OPENAIKEY",
            "api_url": null
          "provider": "openai",
          "stake": 1
        "pending_transactions": [],
        "vote": "agree"
    "votes": {
      "0x185D2108D9dE15ccf6beEb31774CA96a4f19E62B": "agree",
      "0x2F04Fb1e5daf7DCbf170E4CB0e427d9b11aB96cA": "agree",
      "0x31bc9380eCbF487EF5919eBa7457F457B5196FCD": "agree"
  "created_at": "2024-10-02T20:32:50.469443+00:00",
  "data": {
    "function_args": "[2,\"0x793Ae2CfF17462cc9f9D68e194b7b949d2080Ea2\"]",
    "function_name": "transfer"
  "from_address": "0xD271c74A78083F357a9f8d31d5adC59B395cf16b",
  "gaslimit": 66,
  "hash": "0xb7486f70a3fec00af5f929fc1cf1078af9ff3a063afe8b6f370a44a96635505d",
  "leader_only": false,
  "nonce": 66,
  "r": null,
  "s": null,
  "status": "FINALIZED",
  "to_address": "0x5929bB548a2Fd7E9Ea2577DaC9c67A08BbC2F356",
  "type": 2,
  "v": null,
  "value": 0

Explanation of fields:

  • consensus_data: Object containing information about the consensus process
    • leader_receipt: Object containing details about the leader's execution of the transaction
      • args: Arguments passed to the contract function
      • class_name: Name of the contract class
      • contract_state: Encoded state of the contract
      • eq_outputs: Outputs from every equivalence principle in the execution of the contract method
      • error: Any error that occurred during execution (null if no error)
      • execution_result: Result of the execution (e.g., "SUCCESS" or "ERROR")
      • gas_used: Amount of gas used in the transaction
      • method: Name of the method called on the contract
      • mode: Execution mode (e.g., "leader" or "validator")
      • node_config: Configuration of the node executing the transaction
        • address: Address of the node
        • config: Configuration of the node
        • model: Model of the node
        • plugin: Plugin used for the LLM provider connection
        • plugin_config: Configuration of the plugin
          • api_key_env_var: Environment variable containing the API key for the given provider
          • api_url: API URL for the given provider
        • provider: Provider of the node
        • stake: Stake of the validator
      • vote: The leader's vote on the transaction (e.g., "agree")
    • validators: Array of objects containing similar information for each validator
    • votes: Object mapping validator addresses to their votes
  • created_at: Timestamp of when the transaction was created
  • data: Object containing details about the function call in the transaction
  • from_address: Address of the account initiating the transaction
  • gaslimit: Maximum amount of gas the transaction is allowed to consume
  • hash: Unique identifier (hash) of the transaction
  • leader_only: Boolean indicating whether the transaction is to be executed by the leader node only
  • nonce: Number of transactions sent from the from_address (used to prevent double-spending)
  • r: Part of the transaction signature (null if not yet signed)
  • s: Part of the transaction signature (null if not yet signed)
  • status: Current status of the transaction (e.g., "FINALIZED")
  • to_address: Address of the contract or account receiving the transaction
  • type: Internal type of the transaction (2 indicates a contract write call)
  • v: Part of the transaction signature (null if not yet signed)
  • value: Amount of native currency (GEN) being transferred in the transaction