
Limitations of the GenLayer Simulator

The GenLayer Simulator is in an early stage of development, with many features still being tested and refined. Here are some limitations of the simulator:

Contract-to-Contract Interactions

As of now, the GenLayer Simulator does not enable interactions between different contracts. Each contract operates in isolation without the ability to call functions or access data from other contracts.

Token Transfers

Token transfers between addresses are not supported in the simulator. Developers cannot experiment with token issuance, transfers, or governance mechanisms within the simulator environment.

Gas Usage

Transactions within the simulator do not consume gas. While this is beneficial for rapid prototyping, the absence of gas simulation may result in behavior differing from live blockchain networks.

Consensus Algorithm

The GenLayer Simulator does not implement the full Optimistic Democracy consensus mechanism. There is no change of leader or appeals process. The simulator focuses on providing a basic execution environment without the complexities of the full consensus mechanism.

Programming Language

The programming language used in the simulator is an early version and is not final. It is expected to undergo many changes as development progresses.

Web Access

While the simulator supports web browsing capabilities, it is primarily for testing purposes. The actual web access and data retrieval might differ when deployed on the live network.