Monitoring Node Logs

Node Logs in the GenLayer Simulator provide real-time feedback and are a critical component for debugging and tracking the behavior of Intelligent Contracts as they interact within the simulator.

Key Features of Node Logs

Node Logs capture and display a variety of events, including:

  • Transaction Submissions and Confirmations: Track the status and outcomes of submitted transactions.
  • Contract Deployment Statuses: Monitor the progress and success of contract deployments.
  • Execution Results and Errors: Review the outputs and any errors encountered during contract execution.
  • Validator Operations and Consensus-Related Messages: Observe the activities of validators and consensus processes.

Accessing Node Logs

You can view the node logs at the bottom of the GenLayer Simulator. This section automatically update with new log entries as actions are performed within the simulator.

Node Log

Understanding Node Logs

The logs are structured to provide clear and detailed information:

  • Timestamps: Each entry is stamped with the exact time the event occurred, enabling chronological tracking.
  • Categories: Log entries are categorized (e.g., INFO, WARNING, ERROR) to facilitate rapid scanning for issues or confirmations.
  • Details: Expandable log entries offer detailed explanations and data for each event, such as transaction hashes or error messages.

By actively viewing these logs, you can ensure that your Intelligent Contracts are performing as expected and that any issues are promptly addressed. This leads to a smoother development process within the GenLayer Simulator.